Tuesday, May 17, 2011

OK lets get this started!!!!

WOhooooo!!!! How is everyone doing? do we all have our pedometers yet? I got mine Thursday evening and lets just say I obviously don't walk enough, today was the very first day I hit 5,000+ and that's because I took Jacob and Sage (the dog) for an extremely long walk this afternoon then hubby and I took them both for another walk when he got home from work. Currently its 9:50 pm and I am sitting at 5,234 steps not bad but not where I want to be, remember this is 10K challenge.

So if you can all comment below with who has a pedometer and who doesn't it will help me with knowing when to start asking for weekly check ins and who is following the blog as well. Thanks gals!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Welcome Welcome!
OOOoooo I am so excited for this. Yay! for all of us deciding to get off our butts and start walking. These little steps (pun intended) are going to not only make a difference in our lives but the lives of our children. Because we must lead by example and frankly I am leading a very poor example, but that will soon change. I want everyone to feel comfortable here and I hope that I don't mess this blogging thing up too badly. So as soon as everyone has their pedometer and is ready please comment below saying so and we will start. I am thinking weekly check ins with also maybe, if I have time, random postings about ways to help squeeze in a few extra steps. Please if anyone ever has something they want to contribute let me know. I am trying to figure out how to have multiple pages that I can post on. If I can manage to figure it out we can add a tips section, maybe some healthy recipes and so on. This is all going to be very informal and just a ton of fun I promise.